Sale Items


Rain Barrel Kit $30

Rain barrels capture water from a roof and hold it for later use such as on lawns, gardens or indoor plants. Collecting roof runoff in rain barrels reduces the amount of water that flows from your property. It's a great way to conserve water and it's free water for use in your landscape!

These rain barrel kits have all the necessary equipment needed to turn an everyday 55 gallon barrel into a water saving rain barrel. All you need to provide is the barrel and a drill.

Plat Books.jpg

Plat Book $25

Plat books are atlases that show land ownership for rural areas. This plat book of Belmont County features all 16 townships and focuses on rural property ownership. Sections, roads, railroads, churches, cemeteries, town/city maps, general soils map, township maps, county maps, and an index to property owners and road names are all included.

The most recent version of the Belmont County plat book is from 2021 and is available in our office.


Geotextile Fabric-$600 per roll

Geotextiles are fabrics that serve an industrial purpose. The fabric acts as a permeable barrier between the soil below and the aggregate on top.  This fabric has many agricultural uses including use for access roads, watering troughs, and heavy use feeding pads. 

Geotextile fabric serves purposes such as erosional control, aggregate separation, reinforcement, drainage and filtration. While there are many uses for this product, some other uses include being used as a landscaping fabric, under driveways and even as a windbreak around animal enclosures. 

Our office has 120 Non-Woven Geotextile Fabric available to purchase for $600 per 360 x 12.5 foot roll or for $1.75 per foot.  This fabric is suitable for and meets the NRCS standards for the practices previously mentioned.